

제3회 티메이트 전국모의고사 영어1

이종하·남정선 세법/회계학
공무원 > 9급공무원
글에서 전체 흐름과 관계없는 문장은?
An only child may differ from another only child. This depends, among other things, upon the sibling position of his same-sex parent. ①If the father of a male only child is an oldest brother of brothers, through identification with his father the son may assume features, attitudes, and preferences of an oldest brother of brothers. ②The father considers his son as too independent, whereas the son feels his father is inconsistent and irrational at times. ③If the mother of a female only child is a youngest sister of brothers, the daughter will become a mixture of an only child and a youngest sister of brothers. ④She may be less egotistical and moody than other female single children. If the same-sex parent of an only child was an only child himself, then the child tends to show the characteristics and social behavior of an only child to a marked degree.

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