

제3회 티메이트 전국모의고사 영어2

이종하·남정선 세법/회계학
공무원 > 9급공무원
밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?
Captain William Jones was extremely valuable to steel manufacturer Andrew Carnegie. Among other services, ①he invented a mixer that made liquid iron uniform in quality. As a manager, he made sure the steelworkers could eat breakfast at the steel mills and that water was always available for them to drink. ②He also made competition between teams working at different blast furnaces fun. For example, whichever team produced the most steel each week could raise on its furnace’s smoke stack a huge steel broom as a badge of honor. Because of Captain Jones’ value, Mr. Carnegie offered to make ③him a partner. However, Captain Jones declined the offer, saying, “I don’t know much about business, and I don’t want to be bothered by it. But you can give me a big salary.” Mr. Carnegie was willing, and ④he said to him, “You shall have the salary of the President of the United States—twenty-five thousand dollars.”

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