

제3회 티메이트 전국모의고사 영어8

이종하·남정선 세법/회계학
공무원 > 9급공무원
밑줄 친 부분을 참고하여 빈칸 안에 들어갈 가장 적절한 것은?
A: Hi, Betty.
B: Hello, Susan. Long time no see. I heard that you were expecting. Is that true?
A: Yes, that’s true.
B: Good for you!                          .
A: Around October 15.
B: Really? That’s just around the corner!

  • When is the blessed event?
  • When does the meeting start?
  • When does your Thanksgiving Day sale end?
  • When are we supposed to have the next conference?
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