

제3회 티메이트 전국모의고사 영어16

이종하·남정선 세법/회계학
공무원 > 9급공무원
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Throughout the centuries, the idea of natural rights has been discussed by many thinkers and rulers. Many civilizations were built on the idea that slavery was permissible and that certain classes of people were lower than others.    (A)    , lower classes of people did not have the same rights as others. Gradually, societies changed, and more human rights were recognized. In 1215, the Magna Carta was signed in England. This document put limits on the powers of the king and stated that individuals have certain rights.    (B)    , the Magna Carta stated that people are free and that no free person can be imprisoned unless they are convicted in a fair trial. In generations to come, other governments would base their constitutions on the ideas set out in the Magna Carta.

  • (A) Therefore / (B) For instance
  • (A) Therefore / (B) Instead
  • (A) Similarly / (B) Instead
  • (A) SimilarlyIn / (B) contrast
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